Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day

In spite of the holiday, we did a bit of work around the house. Keith and Nathan moved some old telephone poles to the side of the pasture to protect the fence posts. They have been replacing posts and then return to find another one broken. Hopefully this will help.

I had the fun job of emptying the jug fly traps. (Sorry, the kids would not let me post pictures). John told us that this was an effective way of killing flies. You put an attractant and water in a jug and top it with a baffled lid that allows flies in, but not out. Then you set it in a low sunshiny spot. The mixture starts to stink and that attracts the flies. I had attractant for four jugs. The fifth jug I experimented with and threw some cantaloupe pieces in the water to attract the flies. I caught just as many flies with the melon but I don't know if the other stinky jugs helped lure the flies. Today I emptied three of the jugs and refilled them with water and watermelon. We shall see if that works to get the flies into those jugs. If it does we can buy fruit and just use a little as fly attractant and eat the rest. I will have to update you on the results so you too can be as frugal as I am if it works.

In order to empty these putrid, maggot and fly infested jugs, you cannot be one who gets grossed out too easily. It supposedly makes a good fertilizer but I buried the contents further away from the house than my flower beds!

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